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University applications


University admission planning

A lot of students are overwhelmed with the influx of information when they are trying to apply for universities as they do not have a systematic way to process the information. To some, this might be frustrating and burdensome, but to others, this might lead them on many detours that may affect the overall quality of their applications. With Workedu’s professional team of university admission consultants, students are able to fully develop their personal profiles and personal statements that best showcases their academic talents and extracurricular achievements. Through perfecting the personal profile and personal statement, students are able demonstrate their competitiveness to the university and leave a lasting impression with the admissions officers.


Workedu will plan the university admission process by identifying target schools that revolve around the desired major and professional career of students. With the student’s academic foundation in consideration, Workedu’s consultants will advise the best solutions for the student to maximize the admission rate into their dream schools. Furthermore, consultants will also guide the students into developing competitive skills and habits and help with any logistical problems related to the application that the students may encounter. Workedu’s professionalism and experience will be advantageous in providing guidance and support for the student, so that students can efficiently and effectively get into their dream university.

Image by Green Chameleon

University application and internal transfer services

Undergraduate university application

The lack of experience that high school students have towards university applications can oftentimes lead to numerous errors that result in misunderstandings that may jeopardize the student’s ability to be admitted in their dream university. With Workedu’s extensive experience and immediate resources, the application process is simplified and straightforward. Our services include, but are not limited to, creating admission plans, writing tailored personal profiles and statements, and guiding admission interviews. After fully understanding the situation of each student, Workedu consultants will set up three categories of schools to apply for: dream schools (schools that the students can try to get into), target schools (schools that the student has a large chance of being admitted to), and guaranteed schools (schools that the student can surely be admitted to). By developing a comprehensive admission strategy, Workedu consultants can fully excavate the potential of each student and maximize the possibility of entering the student’s dream school.

Internal transfers (between majors/faculties)

A lot of university students are burdened with entering into a university program that is less than ideal for them. Workedu consultants can help stop students from further being forced to learn something they are disinterested in. By offering program introductions and graduation requirement explanations, students are able to get to know each program and find what is suitable for them before fully committing. After identifying a suitable program, Workedu consultants will initiate the internal transfer process and take care of all logistics and deadlines. Additionally, students may receive help with course planning after the transition into their new program.

University transfer from college

Going to college before university is a popular choice among post-secondary students nowadays. While many choose to go there to build on their academic foundation or to cut back on the expensive university tuition, the decision to transfer into a university after spending some time in college is an even more popular decision. Despite the popularity, the pathway that college transferees have to go through can be unclear and confusing. Luckily, Workedu can help guide students on the right path and help prevent detours as the consultants are knowledgeable about credit conversions, program-specific requirements, and even preferential treatment that universities may have. By informing students of their choices and options, creating thought-out transferring plans, and ensuring requirements are met, Workedu has helped hundreds of college students transfer into their dream universities and can help you too.

Other university transfers

Many students may choose to go abroad to different regions to study depending on their own interests or the immigration benefits of that location. Some may be moving to different provinces in Canada, to different countries, or even to different continents. Regardless of where they choose to go, the problem of transferring their education over still persists. This can be a troubling problem as each region has their own specific requirements, assessment criteria and even course curriculum. To help ease the transition of students in new environments, Workedu consultants can help students with their national and international university transfers. With our ample amount of case references, Workedu consultants understand the intricacies of handling such transfers and have the knowledge to prevent complicated issues from arising. Most importantly, the transparent and systematic process of application that Workedu consultants use will help to solve any issues that may arise effectively and efficiently so students can easily relocate and pick up their studies again.

Regions we are currently servicing include:





Australia/New Zealand

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